Tuesday, May 20, 2008

WAR! what is it good for? well, making money, making history and good old problem solving.

wars are useful things beyond the needs of conflicting nations. people have used wars to sell products otherwise unwanted by the public, in the past the U.S. would sell war bonds, pins, stupid stickers and ribbons (that dont save anyone), along with all kinds of war paraphernalia. a war can be portrayed as a civil duty, something YOU MUST DO, so of course you do it (you yourself war against a nation's entire army), and you do this from your living room. you watch the war tv shows the warr movies and commercials, you buy the war products, you know the ones that "save the troops" and "kill the bad guys". everyday, even by opposing a war you are supporting it. this is how a war becomes a commodity. the way a war is remembered is denfenitly not shaped by the way the way the soldiers in it faught. it is remembered through, the news reports, magazine and news articles, tv and radio shows and films, basically th emedia. the media's representation of a war makes its legacy. we remember vietnam as a masssacre, a sick and vile occurance, world war two, as a tragedy, who valiant heroes went into with hot rifles and destroyed all the earth's tyranny. why were these so different? why were WW2 soldiers cannonized while soldiers who participated in the vietnam war cursed the moment they touched vietnamese soil? the media made it this way.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

the future seems grim

has anyone ever seen an episode of "yo gabba gabba"? the future really seems grim with television shows like this teaching kids to "party party' in their "tummies" they are not only going to grow up without being able to verbalize their feelings properly and completly. seriously watch an episode on you tube or something, its eally bad. but allthings aside its weird how i cant look away sometimes it gets kind of scary sometimes.